Monday, January 27, 2014

Finding Courage

The sea around my personal ship over the last five months has been extremely treacherous. 
Moving across the country, handling the deaths of my father, little sister, nephew,
 & mother, while dealing with a few wolfs in sheep's clothing;
 I have heard the word
 more than ever before. 
This has me thinking a bit more about the meaning of the word, Courage. 

Courage — noun
1. The power or quality of dealing with or facing danger, fear, pain, etc.
2. The courage of one's convictions..  the confidence to act in accordance with one's beliefs.
3. Take one's courage in both hands.. to nerve oneself to perform an action.

Courage can be found as a gift, given to those who choose to face fear in life. 
I wish you courage in all you choose to face this week.