Monday, October 20, 2014

The Magic of Love

Star Bunny Studio 2014

A new week has landed upon us. 
The feeling of summer is fading away into fall.
The more things change, the more it seems that change is the only sure thing you can bet on.

Seeing and feeling all this change has me thinking a bit about what has remained constant.
I am feeling extremely thankful for loving friendships that have weathered 
all storms of change. 

Let's face it - life is difficult! 

Without our friends we can loose sight of our hopes & dreams, and begin to drift about 
in the rough sea of life.
This is why it is so important to cultivate love with those around us.
With love in our hearts we can then gently remind ourselves and others of the unique sparks
every individual has. These sparks are what brings magic into our lives. 

We are all players in this game.
 If we choose to work together, and support each other 
The possibilities are endless.